Jennings Witch Slot Machine
Several years ago, Don and I were visiting with a fellow slotmachine collector.We were veryfortunate to have the opportunity to look at his wonderful collection.As we were looking at all of these unique machines,there it was, the slot machine that I knew we needed to have in our personalcollection.Unfortunately, this slotmachine wasn’t for sale and I was quickly informed that not many of thesemachines had been manufactured.Wellfrankly, it kind of busted my bubble, but just a little.

Chicagoland Antique Advertising, Slot Machine & Jukebox Show. The Chicagoland Antique Advertising, Slot-Machine & Jukebox Show, also known as the Coin Op Show and the Jukebox Show, is the largest.
- Released 286 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1912. The 3 most common machines by O. Owned by VAPS members are (in order): Cocktail Hour, Red Man, and Standard Chief.
- The slot machine was not popular with the operators and the Jennings Company received negative feedback about the machine. The Jennings Company quickly created the slot machine known as the Victoria Model B. So after less than two months of being manufactured, my wonderful and amazing Black Cat was no longer being made.
I begged Don to find me one of these machines.He told me that they were made by theJennings Company and that they were made for less than two months.He wanted to make sure that I understood itcould take years to find a machine for sale.So on occasion, I would ask him about my dream machine.
Don came home and said, you won’t believe it, we have achance to buy your slot machine.So hereit is, my very first slot machine that I purchased.
Jennings Victoria A - AKA The Witch or Black Cat |
It is my understanding that the operators back in the daycalled this machine the Black Cat.TheJennings Company called this machine the Victoria Model A.Today people refer to it as the Black Cat orthe Witch.
When the machine arrived home, I was just simplythrilled.Our new machine looksaesthetically fantastic and is in perfect original condition.Even the original fortune reel strips lookperfect.So here I go…I put my veryfirst nickel into the machine and pulled the handle.Boy howdy, the mechanism was groaning andgrowling like something was trying to get out of the witches cauldron.I instantly asked Don, why the machine was sonoisy.He informed me that the machinewas playing just fine and not to be alarmed.
The Jennings Company spent years developing a newmechanism.The goal was to place thejackpot on the mechanism.This was donefor numerous reasons, of which, I hope to discuss in future postings. The Jennings Company had great expectationsfor this slot machine with its new technology and look.Unfortunately, around the same time, theMills Company released the War Eagle.The slot machine was not popular with the operators and the JenningsCompany received negative feedback about the machine.The Jennings Company quickly created the slotmachine known as the Victoria Model B. So after less than two months of beingmanufactured, my wonderful and amazing Black Cat was no longer being made.
A little bit ago, I played my machine and I hitthree oranges.The fortune says… “You’llelope with, A country hick, Who’ll be your down-fall”Just plain silly!On a serious note, I am so privileged to ownsuch a rare and unique slot machine.Ifrequently get asked if I would sell my machine.Perhaps one day, but not today.The Witch and I are just having too much fun!After the purchase of a manual, you will be returned to our web where you will see a link so that you can immediately download your purchase. In addition you will receive an email containing these same links. Take note that the links expire after 72 hours and downloads are limited.
This Manual is in a PDF format. Original Jennings brown cover manual for mechanical slot machines of the Chief Model line like the Sun Chief. A parts and service manual called: Your New Jennings Chief Machine, about 36 pages. This is a copy of a original Jennings Mechanical slot machine owner's manual. Instant download after purchase.
Price: $17.95
Jennings Witch Slot Machine Game
Jennings Cig Rola OperatingGuide and Service Manual
This Manual is in a PDF format. Service and Operations manual for the Jennings Cig-Rola slot machine. This manual is very difficult to find. 27 pages of information including instructions, diagrams and troubleshooting tips. Instant download after purchase.
Price: $22.95
This Manual is in a PDF format. Called: JENNINGS Parts Catalog And Service Manual Chief-Type Machines. This is a great manual, and is the manual that came with your new Jennings slot machine. It's about 44 pages and good and clear scan of the original manual. Very helpful, and has some adjustment, and repair information, how to load the jackpot, etc., etc., included in the pages, about 44 pages. Instant download after purchase.
Price: $19.95
This Manual is in a PDF format. 45 pages. I have never found an actual manual for the Jennings Little Duke Mechanical slot machine, so I have put together this package of information, which includes items like adjustments, history, many photo's showing different models, the companies who make reproduction parts for it and what is available in these parts catalogs. I'll keep looking for a duke specific manual but this is all I can find on it and this should be very helpful as it is. Instant download after purchase.
Price: $14.95
This Manual is in a PDF format. This is a very hard manual to get your hands on, and the only one I know of, for the Jennings Model 400 series electronic Jennings slot machine. It's about 72 pages so there is enough information in here to keep you real busy. Instant download after purchase.
Price: $24.95
This Manual is in a PDF format. This is a great Jennings Mechanism Manual for the Victoria Models, it's a green covered manual that reads: Jennings Victoria Mechanism, General Instruction Book, How to make adjustments and replacements, about 39 pages. Instant download after purchase,
Price: $14.95
This Manual is in a PDF format. For The Jennings Chief. Super good scan of the original handbook that came with new machine. This is really a very good manual, the parts and parts numbers are shown by red arrows, very nice! It's about 28 pages and in color. This book is a little different as it also shows the trade token separators on the escalator and associated linkage. I could never find a manual that would detail the type of escalator my Jennings had, and then I found this one. A very nice book for the Jennings machine. Instant download after purchase.
Jennings Witch Slot Machine Machines
Price: $19.95